

Guest House  (1)
Manor House  (1)


Nature / Wildlife   (1)
Party  (1)
Seminar / Conference  (1)

General amenities

Banquet Room  (1)
Car park (not guarded)  (1)
Car parking (free)  (1)
Computer available (lobby)  (1)
Free WiFi area  (1)
Fridge  (1)
Recreation room  (1)
Shared facilities  (1)
Shared kitchen  (1)
Shared toilet  (1)
TV in recreation room  (1)

Room amenities (0)

Location / View

In Nature  (1)

Additional services

Seminar and conference  (1)

Food & Drink

Breakfast for additional fee  (1)
Breakfast included in price  (1)
Meals available if booked in advance  (1)

Free time and relaxation

Sauna  (1)

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   Saare mõisa majutus  

Saare küla, Noarootsi, Läänemaa, Estonia
N 59° 1' 20& E 23° 34' 3'
Is open for advanced bookings only. Open 24 hours

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* Only registered users
- Nature / Wildlife
- Party
- Seminar / Conference
Location / View / Map
- In Nature
Behold radiusGoogle
Number of rooms & Prices

(50 ) Seminar and conference Prices from ~ 16 € (1h)
Single room Prices from ~ 28 € (room)
Twin Prices from ~ 45 € to ~ 63 €(room)
Quadruple room Prices from ~ 80 € (room)
(5) Sauna Prices from ~ 15 € (room)
Rooms for rent
(60 ) Banquet Room
Prices: € Euro (EUR)
NB! Exact price to be clarified by service provider.
Food & Drink
- Breakfast for additional fee
- Breakfast included in price
- Meals available if booked in advance
- Car park (not guarded)
- Car parking (free)
- Computer available (lobby)
- Free WiFi area
- Seminar and conference
General amenities
- Banquet Room
- Car park (not guarded)
- Car parking (free)
- Computer available (lobby)
- Free WiFi area
- Fridge
- Recreation room
- Shared facilities
- Shared kitchen
- Shared toilet
- TV in recreation room
Additional services
- Seminar and conference
Free time and relaxation
- Sauna

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